Website Instructions

Information about how to use this interface.

Vendor Portal: Email Blast

How to Send an Email Blast

  1. Login to Vendor Portal website.

    • Under the "Reviewers" menu select "Email Blast"

URL Vendor Portal

  1. Click "Create Email Blast" button

  • If you are modifying an existing "Email Blast", select the request and click the "Edit" button

Creating an Email Blast

  1. Fill in the Subject Line Information and click the "Create" button.

Enter Email Subject

  1. Select the License Type(s) and Specialties that apply.

Select the License Type(s) and Specialties that apply.

  1. Select the Email Type

  • It is recommended that you select "Internal Test Email" first. This will allow you to see what the recipients of the email blast will receive. Once you are satisfied with the results, edit the "Email Blast" and select the appropriate "Email Type."

Select the Email Type

  1. Fill out the subject and email body.

Fill out the subject and email body

  1. Click the "Process Email" button to process your request.

    • Email will be sent to list of Vendors that meet your criteria.

Process Email Blast