Website Instructions

Information about how to use this interface.

How to Create a BlueBeam ID Studio Account

Before you can log into a Studio server, you must create an account on it. Creating a Bluebeam ID (BBID) is the login you can use to access Bluebeam Studio.

  1. Open BlueBeam Studio.

  2. Select the BlueBeam Studio Server: ‘’ and

  3. Select Sign In. The Bluebeam Studio login dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Create Account tab

  1. Enter your information in the fields provided.

    • Your Display Name is how others will identify you in Studio.
    • Passwords must be be 8-32 characters and include at least one of each of the following:
      • Lowercase letter
      • Uppercase letter
      • Number
      • Special character

  2. Click Create Account then review and accept the terms and conditions that appear.

  3. You will receive a verification email after you create the account. Follow the instructions in this email in order to complete the validation process. You must validate the email address or you will not be able to continue using the account.