Website Instructions

Information about how to use this interface.

Share files using Document Management FTP

The installation process requires two steps. The first of the these steps requires a security certificate to be added for internet access.

  1. Login to Document Management application using this URL. Will be prompt to login:

  2. Click on Document Management menu item on the top

  1. Then click on "Documents" then "FTP Uploads List"

  1. Then click "Create"
  1. Then select a Project to create area for your upload files by clicking on search icon.

  1. Select Project by highlighting record and then click "Select".

  1. Then complete the Subject field and the Description field.

  2. Then click "Save"

  3. You will automatically be sent to step 2.

    Scroll down to "File(s) Uploader" section

  1. Drag and drop file)s) where it says "Drop File Here."

  2. Then click "Upload" and files will be uploaded

  3. Once you have uploaded your file(s) scroll to the top of page

  1. Then click on "Process FTP" and then click "OK" on the diaolog box.

    You will receive link to download file(s).

  1. You can then copy that link and send it to whome ever you.