Website Instructions

Information about how to use this interface.

Access Zoom

The following is the steps to access Zoom remote meeting software.

  1. First navigate to this URL. This is the UCLA Zoom homepage.

    Then click on "Login to Zoom."


  1. You will then be prompted to login using your Bruin Online account.

  2. The UCLA dual verification prompt will appear.

  1. Select authentication method.

  2. Once you have completed you will be directed to the Zoom page.

  1. Select "Meetings" on left menu. Then click on "Schedule a New Meeting" to create new meeting session.
  1. You will then be asked to fill in your meeting information.

  2. Fill in form and click "Save" towards the bottom of screen.

  1. Alternative Host Allow someone else to start a meeting you scheduled if you're unable to (Note: When assigning someone as an alternative host, it is still considered your meeting. So you will have to email them the invite link.)
  1. To invite participants either copy the URL or click "Copy the Invitation" and send to invited participants.

  2. Click "Start this Meeting" button to start the meeting.

  3. You are now ready to conduct your meeting via UCLA Zoom.

  1. To make a participant a Co-Hostt click on "Manage Participants."

  2. Then hover over the participant who will be Co-Host and choose "More".

  3. Then select "Make Co-Host." Thant participant will now have Co-Host controls.